poem 4/29/10 – haiku/Darkness

NaPoWriMo 2010, ReadWritePoem Day 29  – “Front page news”

“Man stabs 28 children in kindergarten in China”

Not precisely on prompt, but I was heartbroken and furious when I saw this.

Several kids and teachers in critical condition. Such selfish evil – obviously not in his right mind and China has a huge stigma and almost zero help for the mentally ill, but still… – wielding an 8” knife storming into a kindergarten class of 4 year olds – apparently, this was a copycat of an similar attack yesterday.

incessant squalling
tiniest birds so cherished
now I crush your wings

9 responses to “poem 4/29/10 – haiku/Darkness

  1. darkness is butal for sure….your haiku is very very good…thanks for this

  2. wow gruesome. Great Haiku though.

  3. I’d like to wish this wasn’t true…but no one could make this type of thing up…and to imagine that this happened more than once! sigh…

    Your haiku was quite appropriate after that news.

  4. P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog today…even before I posted my link. I do not like the poem I wrote for today in the least bit, and I have also been starting to feel like I’m totally out of my league with all the great poets participating in this challenge. So, it felt good to be visited before posting my link or commenting on others’ work.

  5. painful read…. the times we live in are indeed full of darkness… but we can enjoy the birth of another and another and another full of life and laughter…. it has been a pleasure comin by here during rwp napowrimo and reading your poetry hopefully we will meet again along another prompt wishing you wellness…. a day in the life

  6. I think this is the best poem I have read this month. Wonderful and incredibly sad.


  7. Very tough story to tackle. Nicely done.

  8. This was tragic, Lawrence. The brevity of your poem speaks volumes.

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